'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, Full of PÜR Gum because this mommy cares... Gum? Yes, gum. I had to include gum in my 2013 Holiday Gift Guide. Let me explain. When I was a kid, each Christmas my mom would fill our stocking with fresh fruit and nuts, one of those candy Lifesaver books, old fashioned ribbon candy and gum. Yes, gum. This was one of the few times, My sister, brother and I would sit down on the living room floor playing with our new toys and just chomping on sugary snacks to our heart's content. This was the last SugarFest of the year. Hard to believe neither of us has ever gotten a single cavity amid all the sugary candy and gum we ate between Halloween and Christmas alone, but I'm glad to say nary a cavity...not a one. Now that I'm a mommy I worry about my kids' dental health. ...