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Showing posts from December, 2013

Flowers In the Attic Coming to Lifetime in January #BadGrandma

Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews is coming to Lifetime and I can hardly wait.  The iconic story of the Dollanganger family is back!  Check out the premiere below. Do you remember the series?  Are you looking forward to watching the remake?  Let me know, leave a comment below.

Everything in its Place: Smead Products Help You Get More Organized

Looking to become more organized in the upcoming new year?  If so, a trip to is in order.  Whether you're looking to organize family financial files or creating files for your home office, Smead products are sure to be ideal in helping you get more organized.  

A Moment Just for Me Courtesy of Caza Trail K-Cups #MC

Disclosure: “I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Sturm Foods, Inc. I received a promotional item and product samples as a thank you for participating” The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us.  Whether it's shopping for gifts, making an appearance at every single Christmas party or trying to schedule activities to keep the kids busy during Winter Break, I am super busy this time of year.  I'm often asked how I ever find time for myself amidst my crazy schedule.  Well, the secret to my sanity is simple.  I ALWAYS spend a little time alone.  Yep, just me.   One of my fave ways to wind down on a cold, wintry day like today is with a cup of coffee.  Thanks to my Keurig brewer I don't have to brew a whole pot of coffee. I can enjoy a fresh, hot cup of coffee anytime.  A cup of coffee my way.  Keurig is perfect for the increased traffic in my home during the holidays as everyone can have their fa...

Ellore Femme Make Up Brush Kit

The Ellore Femme 24 Piece Professional Makeup Brush Set with Travel Case provides you with specific tools cover a wide range of areas! From eyes to lips to second foreheads and boast a luxurious blend of soft animal hair and synthetic bristles. The slim brushes stay neatly lined within a fold-up PVC case. 24 professional makeup brushes Designed for foundation, blush, eye shadow, and more Bristles made from natural animal hair and synthetic fibers Fold-up leather case for easy transport Dimensions: 9.85" (L) x 4.9" (W) x 1.9" (H) Included Brushes: Bevel eyebrow/eyeliner brush Concealer brush Eyebrow and eyelash comb Eyelash brush Eye-shadow brush Fine eyeliner brush Foundation brush Highlight brush Large bevel contour brush Large eye-shadow brush Large powder brush Lip brush Medium bevel eyebrow/eye shadow Medium bevel eye-shadow brush Nose-shadow brush One large fan-shaped extra-powder brush Powder and blush brush Small bevel eyebrow/eye shad...

HOLIDAY GUIDE GUIDE 2013: PÜR Gum Tradition Upgraded

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, Full of PÜR Gum because this mommy cares... Gum?  Yes, gum.  I had to include gum in my 2013 Holiday Gift Guide.  Let me explain. When I was a kid, each Christmas my mom would fill our stocking with fresh fruit and nuts, one of those candy Lifesaver books, old fashioned ribbon candy and gum.  Yes, gum. This was one of the few times, My sister, brother and I would sit down on the living room floor playing with our new toys and just chomping on sugary snacks to our heart's content.  This was the last SugarFest of the year.   Hard to believe neither of us has ever gotten a single cavity amid all the sugary candy and gum we ate between Halloween and Christmas alone, but I'm glad to say nary a cavity...not a one.  Now that I'm a mommy I worry about my kids' dental health. ...

HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE 2013: Allied Shirts

This year's Three Boys and an Old Lady blog Holiday Gift Guide features some one of a kind unique items and Allied Shirts is another fab gift worth gifting.  Allied Shirts features t-shirts you design.  This is a great way to feature family pics or even upload your child's artwork onto a custom tee, sweatshirt or hoodie.  Cool, huh?  features an easy to use t shirt design tool.  We were able to create and order our custom-design tee in less than 5 minutes!  I created this Three Boys and an Old Lady tee for hubby!  Yes, that's MY logo on this custom tee!    Besides having 20 colors of shirts to choose from you will love being able to upload your choice of pics, Allied Shirts also has tons of great clip art you can use to unleash your creative fury.  You can add words in a choice of nearly 30 fonts.  Although I opted only to print on the front side of the tee, you can add text or artwork to the ba...

All That Glitters: Shane Co.

My grandma has always been a stylish diva who never went anywhere without a pair of earrings, a ring or two on each hand and her wedding ring.   One of my most fondest memories as a child was rummaging through my grandmother's jewelry armoire.  When my grandparents first married they  had an account with Shane Co.  and many of the pieces in her jewelry armoire came from Shane Co.   As a picked out through the pieces, I stood in amazement as my grandma would recount when the  piece was purchased and any special occasions associated with the piece.  Sapphires and diamonds, platinum and pearls, each piece had a story of its own.   Much like my grandma, my mom has always had a love of fine jewelry.  Although her initial jewels were merely her wedding rings, as I grew older, her  jewelry collection grew.  My mom has small, dainty hands and long fingernails much like a hand model. Although her bridal set was to be admired, it was he...

Random Acts of Kindness

Every now and then something happens to remind me that despite all the bad things going on in the world, there are still good people out there.  As many of you know early December has wreaked havoc across much of the Southern United States.  Dubbed Cleon and Dion by The Weather Channel, these two storms have brought many cities, including mine, to a standstill and Winter has yet to begin. Earlier today, I came across a Facebook post that touched my heart so much and just reminded me of the kindness of others we often take for granted.  The post prompted me to log off my computer and give a giant bear hug to my Hubby who I scolded for going out last night as sleet began to cover the streets in our neighborhood.  To put it short, I was wrong.   We have a neighbor who is a pastor.  He's one of my husband's best friends.  They're kindred spirits of sorts despite their obvious differences.  One, burly and bearded.  The other, fit and clean-s...

These Girls Rock! 1 Girl Nation CD Review

Have you listened to the radio lately?  OMG!  It's crazy or "cray" as my niece reminds me.  I'm so glad to see a group sharing good music with a positive message. About 1 Girl Nation: Landing in the space where One Direction meets TobyMac, 1 Girl Nation is an exciting blend of upbeat pop music, with lyrics that are totally focused on living life for God, even while you’re young. 1GN, as they’ve already been dubbed, stars Carmen, Kayli, Kelsey, Lauryn Taylor and Lindsey, five girls with a passion for telling their fans about Christ through their music. Their first single, “While We’re Young,” can be heard on radio stations across the country and their self-titled debut album is available now! Our Thoughts: Music is a constant in the Three Boys and an Old Lady household and finding music the entire family can enjoy can be a challenge sometimes.  Fortunately there are groups like 1GN who record music that not only rocks but rocks with a message.  I decide...

Buy a Gift Card and Earn 4x in Kroger Fuel Points

I earn 2x fuel points on gift card purchases year round at my local Kroger, but from mid-November to early December*, the Kroger Co. Family of Stores offers 4x fuel points on every gift card I buy. That’s 4 fuel points for every $1 I spend on gift cards. So whether I'm gifting family and friends with an Amazon gift card, Bath & BodyWorks, Home Depot, Kohl's everyone is happy!  Loved ones get the gift of a gift card and I earn fuel points even quicker and I can choose how to use my points.  All at once or break them up and use 10 cents here and 20 cents there or even a $1 if I like.  It's my choice! Be sure to stock up on a multi-pack for everyone on your gift list and fuel points for yourself during this limited 4x fuel point bonus period! Disclosure:  Many thanks to BzzAgent for the opportunity to participate in this BzzAgent campaign.  I received coupons in exchange for sharing my opinion.

Join Me for the #SoundofMusic Live! Viewing Party

I've song the songs ALL my life and now one of my favorite movies ever is made new.  If you haven't hear The Sound of Music LIVE! starring Carrie Underwood is coming to NBC on Thursday, December 5. I've popped the popcorn, children are in their pjs and we're spending a little family time watching this broadcast.  Be sure to join in the fun by tweeting with the hashtags #faithandfamily and #SoundofMusic. Disclosure:  Many thanks to the sponsor for the opportunity to share this live experience with my kids and the Three Boys and an Old Lady blog family.