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The Wonder of Faith

Yesterday an "On this day" reminder popped up on my social media feed with a post from a few years ago.  
I read it and began to cry.  I remember that day.  I remember writing that post.  

I was on a business trip a few hours away from home and I got a call from my husband telling me the twins went to Bible Study with him.  He said they stood tall and asked the pastor if they could be baptized.

I remember shouting "Hallelujah" over and over again.  The decision was theirs and theirs alone.  I wasn't there to sway them one way or another, they did it and they were steadfast in their decision.  

Then last Sunday as I watched from the choirstand as my children received communion I felt a #ProudMommyMoment as one of the little ones received communion for the first time.

She knelt down at the altar, cupped her hands to receive the gift of bread and wine.  Her mom stood behind her beaming with a mother's pride.  Her uncle stood nearby and snapped a pic just as the pastor bent down and placed the pasty wafer in her tiny hands.  "Thank you" she said as she smacked on the communion wafer.  
Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash
After receiving communion her mom led her down the aisle back to their pew.  The smiles on both their faces spoke volumes.  

One of my favorite Christian music artists, Hillsong United, recently released a CD titled "Wonder".  The 12-track CD features songs of hope, faith and praise.   

Hillsong United is back with a spirit filled, 
12-track CD titled "Wonder"
 My favorite track is the title track "Wonder".  The lyrics are:  "Have you ever seen the wonder in the glimmer of first sight; As the eyes begin to open and the blindness meets the light".  

Check out the video below:

Capitol Music Group wants to share Wonder by Hillsong United with you.  One lucky Three Boys and an Old Lady blog reader will win a CD of their very own.

* * * G I V E A W A Y * * * 


Peggy saidโ€ฆ
The only tour I see is in Texas. That is too far for me. I will continue to look for more tours.

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