The new teaser trailer for “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” a sequel to the global box-office hit “Maleficent,” has arrived. Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning reprise their roles as the dark fairy Maleficent and Princess Aurora, respectively, two characters from the studio’s animated classic “Sleeping Beauty,” whose untold story was brought to life on screen in 2014’s “Maleficent".
Check out the teaser trailer be sure to see “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” when it hits theaters nationwide October 18, 2019!!
“Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” is a fantasy adventure that picks up several years after “Maleficent,” in which audiences learned of the events that hardened the heart of Disney’s most notorious villain and drove her to curse a baby Princess Aurora.
The film continues to explore the complex relationship between the horned fairy and the soon to be Queen as they form new alliances and face new adversaries in their struggle to protect the moors and the magical creatures that reside within.
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Check out the teaser trailer be sure to see “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” when it hits theaters nationwide October 18, 2019!!
“Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” is a fantasy adventure that picks up several years after “Maleficent,” in which audiences learned of the events that hardened the heart of Disney’s most notorious villain and drove her to curse a baby Princess Aurora.
The film continues to explore the complex relationship between the horned fairy and the soon to be Queen as they form new alliances and face new adversaries in their struggle to protect the moors and the magical creatures that reside within.
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