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How to Set the Perfect Dinner Table

Halloween has come and gone and now the holiday season is in full swing.  If you're hosting the family dinner or just having a few friends over during the holiday, wow your guests with a perfect set table.

There's something really elegant about walking into a home and seeing a beautifully set dinner table.  I remember as kid visiting my grandparents' home and walking into to the warm aromas of my grandma's cooking and seeing her perfectly set dinner table.  I couldn't wait to be old enough to sit at the BIG table.

You didn't have to be an adult to sit at the big table either.  I mean my uncle and I were in the same grade, even though he's 2 years older than I am, he always got a place at the big table.  I think it was because he was their only son.  

Me?  I was always the oldest kid at the kid's table.  Sitting with my siblings and my baby cousins until I was in the 7th grade or so.

One time my family arrived early for dinner and my grandma asked if my sister and I would help set the table.  I was honored.

We set the table at home so I knew exactly where everything went and proceeded to set the table. 

My grandma was in kitchen finishing up the last touches of dinner while my sis and I removed the silver forks and spoons from the kitchen drawer reciting quietly in my head  "forks on the left, knife and spoons on the right...forks on the left, knife and spoons on the right" over and over til all the places were set.

My grandma peeked out the kitchen, glanced at our work and gave a quick nod.  
"Great job ladies" she said.

I still remember her nod of approval but I also remember her centering things just perfect when we were finished and the light reflecting off those crystal glasses on that beautiful oak table. 
Tip: Before you set the table, wipe each piece of silverware with a clean cloth.
To set a(n) (in)formal dinner table you'll need:
  1. Salad fork
  2. Dinner fork
  3. Charger plate (optional)
  4. Dinner plate
  5. Salad plate
  6. Knife
  7. Spoon
  8. Cup and saucer
  9. Wine glass (optional)
  10. Water goblet
Just remember forks on the left, knife and spoons on the right.


Alli Smith said…
I love this because I'm all about setting a proper table and I taught my kids from an early age that the forks are on the left and the knife and spoon are on the right. I hate to be watching a movie and notice the table is not set correctly. :) And the knife blade is always facing in.
candy said…
Most people in todays world have no idea how to set a proper table. Yours is beautiful. To bad more people didn't take the time to make this a tradition instead of using paper plates.
AiringMyLaundry said…
This is such a gorgeous set! I admit, I don't really bother with the table, but we usually go to my parents for Thanksgiving. My Mom usually has hers done up.
GeekDad248 said…
It has been awhile since I ate a meal with a formal setting. Your layout looks great! Hope you have a some wonderful holiday meals this year with family and friends to enjoy it.
Roch said…
Thanks for all your tips. We don't serve meals using this same layout at home but when we do, I'll remember how. Where do you place the dessert utensils?
Jeannette said…
I am having a lot of family over for the holidays and I kind of want to make it look fancy. I really like the tips you have here to make the table look beautiful. I am definitely going to do a lot of these things.
Sarah Bailey said…
Hands up I am awful at knowing where to place things on a dinner table I did used to know so it great to have a refresher in time for Christmas.
Lisa said…
I am a big fan of a nice table. I love having company and setting our table nicely.
Claudia Krusch said…
This is just what I need for the holidays. We are having a big dinner party and I would love to have this kind of place settings.
Lisa said…
I have that exact same holiday set!
Liz Mays said…
This is a really helpful guide! I'm definitely going to take this advice when I want to impress with a special dinner!
Pam said…
A good table setting can really elevate a meal. I always try to make sure my table is set properly for holidays.
Amanda said…
What a lovely holiday table! My husband works for Crate and Barrel so I always go a little bit crazy decorating our table for Thanksgiving, Hannukah, and Christmas!
I need to show this post to my kids. They always complain that they forget how to set the table, hahaha. I am sure lots of people need this information, thanks for sharing!
I have known how to set a table since I was a child. That being said I choose not to, because then I have to do all of those dishes.
chubskulit said…
I am with valmg, I used to set up the table then realized doing it every time always end up lots of dishes for me to do lol. NOw, I only do it on special occasion.
Miss Angie said…
That table setting is GORGEOUS, and I love how festive those plates are. I wish I had the stuff and space to set a gorgeous table like that.
Nikki said…
Table setting seems to be a lost art. I love setting a pretty table for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The rest of the year, we just kind of wing it. Your table is pretty!
Adriana said…
Oh these tips are so great! I feel as if a lot of people these days don't know the ins and outs of correct table setting - I definitely didn't know all of this! Perfect time of year for it!
Amy Smith said…
I can never ever remember which side the fork goes versus the spoon and knife. I need to bookmark this so that I can pull it up when I set the table for Thanksgiving.

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