"What do you want me to know?"
My friend, LoRraine, wanted me to know you don't have to look like what you're going through. She is a survivor who believes in the power of faith.
LoRraine is the epitome of faith. Always quick to share the love of God and the power of a faithful heart, she was not about to let a diagnosis stand in the way of her ministering to others.
She reminded me "If you going into a situation like breast cancer, have the attitude that I am coming out of this, this too shall pass. God gave me the understanding that I was not going through breast cancer for myself but it was to let others know not to put a period and the end of your situation and you don't have to look like what you are going through."
When I think of LoRraine, I am reminded of Matthew 6:22 which says "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light." (NIV) LoRraine's eyes are radiant. This diva is always experimenting with bold eye shadows and it's through those bright, beautiful eyes we bore witness to a miraculous healing.
LoRraine wanted me to know
This too shall pass
Disclosure: None. This is me. This is my blog. This is my chance to share stories of some women near and dear to me.