In “Captain America: Civil War,” each hero is forced to take a stand and choose a side in their fight to reform the future. Marvel, continuing to build on the success of the Ultimate Mentor Adventure, Guardians of the Galaxy: Guardians of Good, and Ant-Man Micro-Tech Challenge, is launching the GIRLS REFORMING THE FUTURE CHALLENGE to engage young women to further the Avengers’ goal of making the world a better place.
The challenge invites girls nationwide, ages 15 – 18, in grades 10 -12, to submit innovative STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics)-based projects that have the potential to change the world. Each applicant will be asked to submit a short video demonstrating her project and explaining how her science and technology-based project could make the world a better place. Five finalists will be selected to come to California and present their projects to a panel of experts. One grand prize winner will be selected from the five finalists to receive an internship with Marvel Studios.
Entries will be accepted through 9:00 PM PT on March 26, 2016. For application forms, eligibility requirements, official contest rules and more information about MARVEL’S CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR – GIRLS REFORMING THE FUTURE CHALLENGE, please visit
The challenge invites girls nationwide, ages 15 – 18, in grades 10 -12, to submit innovative STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics)-based projects that have the potential to change the world. Each applicant will be asked to submit a short video demonstrating her project and explaining how her science and technology-based project could make the world a better place. Five finalists will be selected to come to California and present their projects to a panel of experts. One grand prize winner will be selected from the five finalists to receive an internship with Marvel Studios.
Entries will be accepted through 9:00 PM PT on March 26, 2016. For application forms, eligibility requirements, official contest rules and more information about MARVEL’S CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR – GIRLS REFORMING THE FUTURE CHALLENGE, please visit