I've been "natural" AKA perm free for a few years now. However last Summer, I decided to forego the flat irons and start wearing a TWA (teeny weeny afro). I blame it on my friend and former co-worker, Tanya, who uttered six words on a hot, sweaty day. Words that changed my life forever:
One compliment and my hair has been on a journey like never before. It's been quite a journey these past few months. Some days I like my hair. Others, ummm...notsomuch. I always thought "natural hair" meant low maintenance but OMG was I wrong there are tons of products out there for natural hair divas like me and I'm slowly learning what works best for my hair. Whether it's curly or straight, I love this new availability of styles and love my hair!
Curly. Straight. Perm. Color. Rinse. Weave. Wig. Ugh, women and their hair. How do you style your hair? Are you the kinda diva that lives in the salon or are you a kitchen chemist? This blogging mommy wants to know.

I'll share more posts on some of my hair journey in future posts so be sure to visit again soon.